Perspectiva Independiente without background 001

Nos Ta Aruba: Brief aan Premier Rutte inzake Gespannen politieke situatie op Aruba

E carta tambe a bai Pa Su Mahestad Rey Willem Alexander, Minister Plasterk, Lider Politiconan na Merca y Hulanda.  

Brief aan Premier Rutte inzake Gespannen politieke situatie op Aruba.

Dear Prime Minister Rutte, On behalf of the Aruba People I am sending you a preliminary declaration (hereafter) of the Community concerning the Socio-Political situation in Aruba.

DECLARATION ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF ARUBA: As Of Today August 1, 2015 Time 00:00 Prime Minister of Aruba Mike Eman does not have any Authority to practice his function as representative of Aruba, nor do his Cabinet and his Members of Parliament. The Cabinet Mike Eman and the Parliament of Aruba have demonstrated their inability and unwillingness to conduct themselves in accord with our Constitution and other applicable laws to govern our country, on behalf of the People of Aruba, as promised under oath before the King of the Netherlands. The People of Aruba denounce hereby the confidence in this Cabinet.

This information was also sent to the International Press and Political Parties.

Yours Truly On behalf of the Council of the Plataforma Nos Ta Aruba
Mr. Jan de Ruiter (President)
E:mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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