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Rudy Richardson (MEP): The National Disaster created by Mike Eman and his party AVP

The attacks against democracy the last 8 years in our country are increasingly dangerous. It is difficult to have serious debates on the issues if the AVP Government has no respect for our Constitution. Further, our people are working more hours to make ends meet. Mike Eman and his government have made Aruban life very expensive. As a result of the disastrous management from 2009, where the millionaires turn billionaires and the general public went more into a marginalized existence. Most of the AVP candidates became millionaires and now want to regulate campaign financing. Most so-called journalists played along with Mike Eman’s cabinet develop policies which make the rich richer and everyone else poorer. It's time to revolt on the pace we are going our national debt will be at 105% in 2017, our children and their children don't deserve this. 

Negative development 
Our only economic pillar which is tourism has decreased 30% and the CITGO refinery deal is another bad executive decision by Minister Mike De Meza (AVP) same like the oil prices that were hedged for three years at $90 a barrel while most of the international community enjoy the price at around $30. Not to mention the disaster in our local economy when the sales tax was eliminated by 1.5% and then increase back to 3.5%. A total administrative mess and high way robbery towards the Aruban people. Crime is on the rise in alarming numbers and the age group of our youth that commit crimes are as low as 13 years old. As if this wasn’t enough there isn’t enough funds to turn this negative development back. Sexual abuse of minors is also on the rise as parents work longer hours and leave children unsupervised. The majority in Parliament (AVP) has refused to make the necessary reforms. Open border policy is the only logic to Mike Eman and his cabinet with a stagnated economy it's only going to get worst. Our national debt by the end of 2017 will be around 105% Debt-to GDP. 
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Numerous social issues 
Numerous projects were boycotted and millionaire claims to be paid doesn't make the future look to bright. Many projects financed through Public-Private-Partnership for 25 years leaving a massive debt behind for the next five to seven governments. The numerous social issues are mind boggling and illegal prostitution with political prostitution is on the rise not to mention a declining health care system. We can only hope the Aruban electorate will vote massively for a change and the only alternative is the MEP party that has governed Aruba four times successfully by Ex-Prime Minister Nelson O Oduber. MEP a Social democratic party founded by Aruban patriot the late Betico Croes declared by Parliament as our Liberator. 

Our job now, in an unprecedented way, is to reinvigorate Aruban democracy this year as Arubans go to the voting polls in September, bring more people into the political process and help people stand up and fight for their rights. It’s time to put personal interest aside and put our national interest first or at least what is left of it. Together let's make that change for a better tomorrow for ourselves, but most of all for our kids and our grandkids.

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